There was a sister who was a tad unstable and whenever she got called on, I just knew it would be a long, drawn out comment that would make me cringe. During her comment I'd look around for a few of my friends and we'd be lafing to ourselves, shaking our heads or trying to make each other laf. Mind you, I was in my 20's and 30's, so I wans't a child. But the best thing to do was make the most of it. I also remember thinking, what a bad witness she is giving to anyone NOT a witness..Then again, maybe she spared them from joining the ranks with all her craziness. She might be a silent hero afterall.
On a personal note though, I ALWAYS cringed when the comments or articles were around homosexuality. The comments made me feel like I was a murderer or the worst piece of shit on earth. I could never comment on any of those paragraphs, although I wanted to raise my hand and just say, "Yea..I think we should just kill all the gays and be done with 'em." I was so depressed yet pissed at the same time. Although the hardest part was hearing your friends speak with disgust about homosexuality :(